Is Bass Guitar Easier Than Regular Guitar? An Honest Comparison

As a musician who has played both bass guitar and regular guitar, I’ve often been asked which one is easier to learn and play. 

In this blog post, I’ll share my honest thoughts and experiences to help you understand the similarities and differences between these two incredible instruments.

The Basics: Bass Guitar vs. Regular Guitar

Before we dive into the complexities of each instrument, let’s take a look at the basic features:

Feature Bass Guitar Regular Guitar
Strings 4 (E-A-D-G) 6 (E-A-D-G-B-E)
Scale Length Longer (34″-35″) Shorter (24″-25.5″)
Fret Spacing Wider Narrower

As you can see, bass guitars have fewer strings, a longer scale length, and wider fret spacing than regular guitars.

Getting Started: Is Bass Guitar Easier for Beginners?

When I first started learning both instruments, the learning curves differed. 

I could play simple bass lines with the bass guitar and lock in with the drummer relatively quickly. 

However, the heavier strings and wider fret spacing took some time to get used to.

On the other hand, learning the guitar came with its challenges. Mastering chords and complex fingerings required more practice and patience. 

But my hands felt more comfortable with the shorter scale length and narrower fret spacing.

Progressing as a Bass Guitarist or Guitarist

As I progressed on both instruments, I discovered that each one required a unique set of skills:

  • Bass: Developing a strong sense of rhythm and groove and the ability to lock in with the drummer.
  • Guitar: Learning a wide range of chords, melodies, and soloing techniques.

The bass guitarist and guitarist play different but equally essential roles in a band setting. The bassist provides the foundation and drives the rhythm, while the guitarist adds harmony, melody, and texture.

Transitioning from Guitar to Bass (or Vice Versa)

Having a background in guitar can make learning bass easier, as you’ll already be familiar with the fretboard layout and basic music theory. 

However, transitioning between the two instruments comes with its challenges.

Guitarists may need to adjust to the wider fret spacing and develop stronger finger strength for the heavier bass strings.

On the other hand, bassists may initially find the additional strings and complex chords on the guitar overwhelming.

Mastering Your Instrument: The Long-Term Journey

Whether you choose bass or regular guitar, mastering your instrument is a lifelong journey.

Dedication and consistent practice are key to overcoming plateaus and achieving your goals.

Setting small, achievable milestones and celebrating your progress can help you stay motivated and engaged.

The Joy of Playing Bass Guitar and Regular Guitar

One of the most rewarding aspects of playing bass and regular guitar is the unique joy each instrument brings. 

The bass guitar lets you lay down a groovy foundation and connect with the rhythm section, while the regular guitar allows you to express yourself through chords, melodies, and solos.

I encourage every musician to explore both instruments, as they each offer a different perspective and can enrich your overall musical experience.


In conclusion, whether bass guitar is easier than regular guitar depends on your strengths, preferences, and goals as a musician. 

Both instruments come with challenges and rewards, and mastering either requires dedication and practice.

March 31, 2024
Category: Guitar Lessons